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Globester on Harnessing Social Media for Brand Building

Show Notes

We’re back with another fantastic episode of Photosynthesis!

Today’s episode is all about fuelling up your social media channels to grow your business. From freelancing to building a video production company, Mr. Globester shares his experience of working in the domain of real-estate photography and commercial videography.

How brands can build their social media presence? Why should a brand have a face? Which types of content work best for social media? Strategies to up your social media game and concept development for videos– we have all of these covered in this session.

Listen to the full Podcast on Spotify

Check out Globester’s stunning work on Instagram – The Globester

References mentioned in the podcast –
Andras Ra Inspired Hyperlapse Video
Tutorial on Hyperlapse by Andras Ra
Client Reel with 1.2 million views
Indievisual’s Stock Videos
Client Video of a Dietician

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Hey everyone and welcome back to Photosynthesis where we talk to some of India’s top photographers and videographers, get into the art, the culture and the business of making a career in photography and videography in India. Today we have with us Mr. Globester who’s been doing a lot of social media work for brands for many years. Hey Globester! 


Hello Sir Thank You For Having Me On Your Podcast Nice To Be Here 


Great for, thank you for joining us. I want to actually talk to you today about the pivot to video, which Mark Zuckerberg has been talking about for so many years, which a lot of brands and startups that we speak to are still confused about because they want to power their social media. Everyone wants to be putting out a lot more video, but they don’t know how, but first let’s get into your journey, how you got where you are and what are you working on these days. 


Okay, so nowadays, I mostly, we work on the corporate side of things. So we work for a lot of brands, businesses, and mostly we work on the commercial videography and copy aspect. We also do events, but most of my focus is revolving around the companies and the businesses. And getting my journey. So I was actually working in a corporate. So in a bank actually for four and a half years, and for the first two years, it was 

I was just learning how to edit videos because that attracted me in the beginning. And then the later two years, it was mostly the COVID phase, the post lockdown phase, I started freelancing besides my job in Kolkata and things started to pick up from there. And when I saw that doing well and things were going as expected and to some extent even exceeded my expectations, I decided to quit my corporate career and start this full time. 

So now I own the production company and I have a team of editors and we have, we work with a lot of freelancers and that’s how we are managing it. 


And you also done a lot of street photography in Calcutta, which you have also uploaded to our platform. 


Not that much, not the typical style of skit photography that we know about or see on Instagram. Yeah, those types of skits, high-level I have done a lot, but not the usual skit photography which people think of.  


I bless you. 


And what did you think of that? Like before we get into the corporate side of things, how did you decide to get into doing a lot of hyperlapse street photography, which I know because you uploaded some to our stock platform. How was that experience? 


Yeah, yes, I saw there’s one creator called Andras Ra, I think many of the people watching this might know him because he’s very famous. He’s from Germany. So he does for even he works for DJI and stuff. So he was the one who started these kind of crazy hyperlapses, you know, when it’s not just a normal hyperlapse, it has the flames moving. He does it beautifully. And he had I think one tutorial. 

and then there were other people who were breaking down his style of videography so I learnt all of that from YouTube itself and then I decided to try it out myself and it does look great so that is how I did a few hyperlapses in the round Calcutta 


And how’s your experience been now on the corporate side of things? Doing video work, to power social media for brands. What’s it been? How has your journey been? How have you evolved in the last few years? 




The first year I was actually starting to look for clients and I used to reach out door to door and I’m from cold calling a lot, mostly in interior design because in Calcutta that time no one was, I won’t say no one but very few people were actually focusing on interior design. So that is what I targeted initially and it worked. People who, the interior designers needed videographers and photographers to showcase their completed projects. 

which at that time no one was really catering to. And now people got to know about me and they have referred me, the work was good. So they only referred me to other portfolios and things started flowing well. But especially in today’s world, I think without social media, no brand which is trying to start out or no business with no risk, who might even be there for five, 10 years, even they are looking to create content on social media because apart from social media, 

very less chances of making it big in today’s session. So the content is the need of the hour for sure. And that is why the requirement of content creators have gone up really high. And the second thing that I would like to say that today everybody has a smartphone and a good one. Almost everyone is carrying an Apple phone in their pockets. So a lot of the hobbyists or… 

Even normal people who are not into full-time as a filmmaker or as a professional, even they are getting decent enough quality content. Might not be the concept and all might be different, but the quality of work that is coming out from their mobile phones is also good. So, if businesses have to stand out, they have to look for professional people who are handling their content part. Otherwise, because there’s so much of content everywhere on social media, if you do not have tea, then you are not going to stand out. And businesses are realizing that. 

And it is our responsibility also to go and educate them, talk to them. And when they are convinced, they do hire us for having their content done. 


What does standing not even mean? Like, so now, so TikTok isn’t in India, fortunately or unfortunately, but on Reels, there’s so much fantastic content being created by individuals. Like most of the stuff I see on Reels is actually individuals talking to camera, doing something for in front of the camera, people. How does a brand get into the space and actually manage to stand out? 




See, there’s a difference between people who are trying to build a personal brand and people who are trying to build a company name brand types. Okay. So somebody who is going to build a personal brand, he or she may not have a very big company as such. He can be, or she can be just an individual who is trying to do good on social media. And they are creating content themselves, they might be good. But if you are a company, if you want to grow as a business, as a brand name, not just a personal brand, then… 

There are two possibilities and it also depends on the personal choices of the founders and whoever is running the company. Some founders are very friendly on camera. They are very confident. Some are not. So if you are as a founder or CEO or whoever is running the show, if you are very confident, flamboyant and you are comfortable speaking on camera, then I think that should be the person who should be represented by the company because it sees or hears and then they should talk about the company. They should make it a good content on social media. 

And I work with a lot of businesses where the founder is not very comfortable speaking on them. Maybe it can happen that people are shy, they might not be camera friendly. It’s okay. But then they should have somebody else from the team who is good enough to at least put out the content on behalf of the company and mostly educative content because I personally feel two types of content works best. One is educative content and the other is entertainment content. 

If the business is such that it can say if it is a music video production company support, it’s more of an entertainment related side. But if it is a mutual fund growth company or a financial investment advisor company, then they should create educative content more than the entertainment part. Because if you are educating people on social media, genuine people follow you. It’s not a huge amount of fake followers by watching some video they came into your channel. And it’s not like that. 

When you are putting out content genuinely, educating the people, in turn, you get a genuine amount of good following as well as then there is a chance that in future they can eventually become your clients as well. And once they get to learn from you in terms of something, then they actually have a lot of trust in that brand, in that person, in the business, whatever it is. And then they follow it and eventually, suppose it’s, I was today actually before coming for this podcast, I was having a meeting with one mutual fund company. So they… 


have other people investing with them through them rather. Just telling them the same thing. So if you put out educative content making people aware of why or how they can invest properly through mutual funds without telling them that come to us, come to our platform, invest through us don’t need to say all those things but if you put out regular quality content educating them automatically they will eventually look up to you to help them out. So even in the long run 


So one is, so a couple of questions from what you were saying. One is, so you are recommending that a brand, if possible, should have a face, especially if it’s a… 


Of course. 


Because I feel people relate to people more than people relate to company names. There are some companies which have become really big. So we know Amazon is Amazon, we know Apple, we know. But most of the companies who are not like, you know, Amazon and Google and all that, we usually tend to connect with people. So when there is a face, a brand person, who even if they are representing a company, we tend to relate to them more because obviously as people, we relate to people more than we relate to a normal company or a business. 


And so some things like. 


That’s an interesting one and that so that is something that brands, younger brands specially, to build trust they should absolutely look at. Second is educational versus entertainment based content. So some, so finance yes lends itself more to education. Also because you know people do want to learn more about where they’re investing, what other industries like how would you draw this distinction. So let’s say it’s a coffee brand. 





Coffee, okay. 


And it came to you, okay, you know what? We’re building a new D2C brand. We need to build our presence on reuse. Would you say, okay, no, this needs to be highly entertaining to stand out. Let’s educate people about what goes into their cup of coffee. 


Both. So, well, when it comes to coffee, I have to give it a thought and I have to think about it. But I’ll give you an example because I would regularly work with very closely with interiors. So in interiors, there are two clients of mine, I won’t name them. But one of them, actually, they only, the architect who was part of the team, she only came and suggested me, why can’t we do something like this? And it was kind of a funny reel. Okay. So there was some… 

a reel which she had seen somewhere on social media, I mean on Instagram Reels itself. And she said, why can’t we do something similar inside our own home, which we have designed. And eventually we went ahead with that idea. I have that reel link if I might show you later. But that reel actually reached 1.2 million views. And it was completely unexpected. I never expected that while creating it, I didn’t expect that it would get so much of love from people. 


That’s as, that’s as viral as it gets. 


1.2 million views is not a small thing. It’s a big achievement for that company. And then hats off to the interior designer who suggested that. Similarly, see, there is one more client of mine who regularly does Snapchat kind of content. He only records his… He does kind of those vines thing, you know, by changing his character. He shoots as one character and then he shoots as another character and eventually he sends us the footages. And our team does the editing for them. 


It’s huge, it’s huge. Yeah, yeah, I think that should be good. 


And eventually they are getting those kinds of funny. So when the IPL was going on a few months back, right? So he was creating those kinds of Snapchat kind of content and relating it at the end, he was relating everything back to aspects of interior design. So maybe modular kitchen or maybe something like that. So he was very creative in doing that. And we suggested him with some options and scripts, things like that. And he mixes it up with educational content as well. So on YouTube and on… 

of course, we have certain days where we put out only, I mean, we do not do the digital marketing for them, I mean, we say the same content, but they put out educational content and on certain days, we have fixed kind of, they put out this kind of funny skits. So both a mix of educational as well as entertainment content, if the audience is engaged, you know, more people keep coming in and they have told me after doing this, the amount of engagement or the amount of enquiries. 

that they have got have increased tremendously. The conversion will come in later because if you want to convert a client, then there’s a lot of factors. They will know the budget, they will look at a lot of other things also. But initially to have that client come to you, come to your page or reach out to you is the biggest challenge, which most of the brands are facing or most of the businesses want to have. So I think if we have a mix of funny content or entertainment content, it’s not necessarily have to be funny all the time. It can be anything. If you have a mix of entertainment and education, 

I think that’s a sweet spot. 


That makes sense. That makes a lot of sense. And this is something that we, so we are, we are into stock videos as a company and we are into custom video shootsHow do we build followers? We have reasons that get seen a lot, but then do they lead to follows? Not necessarily. What leads to follows? No clue. How do you look at this? Is your content meant to, like what is it? How do you define engagement? 






Yeah, so even when I’m like, when I talk to a new client or when we are getting in onboarding new clients, one thing that I always very clearly and transfer it to my clients is that nobody knows exactly is going to work. Social media is a crazy place. Okay, it’s really a crazy world. Nobody knows what you’re putting out today, whether it will go viral one day, or whether it will be light or dislike and what is going to be the reaction. 

There are a few aspects or a few guidelines, I think, if people follow. There is a good chance that they will keep growing at a steady pace. It may not be a complete, you know, you get famous overnight. No, no, I don’t ever suggest those kind of things, but there has to be a steady growth. And for the steady growth, I think, a few things is the biggest regularity. Even to you, like for individuals also, if you want me to… 

talk about it. I think the first then the most important thing is regularity. If you are putting out a superb content, okay, super piece of wheel or whatever, super editing, hyperlapse, everything, all the fancy stuff, and you’re putting out once in two months, you’re going to help. It’s not going to help at all. But if you are putting out say eight wheels a month or 10 wheels a month, with decent enough, good enough quality, which is at least going to put you up above the people who are in, you know, smartphone wheels or iPhone. 

because everybody is doing it nowadays. So with decent enough quality, if you are regular, people will notice you. You will have, there is no other option than you to grow. You will grow for sure. Now, the rate, the level of growth will vary. Some of you, like the funny reel which I was talking about, reach 1.2 million views. You don’t, not every reel will get that engagement for sure. There are other views of that same, the, my same client, which are reaching 2,000, 3,000 views and then stocking. But this one shot up. 

And you just need a few of these to blow up sometimes, and which really brings a lot of attention to you. First thing. Second thing is, even for say individuals, now you are a, I don’t know if it is the first, but this is one of the very few stock footage websites which characters to Indian, but only. Because even as creators earlier, we used to find challenge in finding Indian related stock videos. You know, there are other stock websites also, but they’re all foreign faces, foreign stuff. 


This is a very unique thing that you have started for sure, 100% true. Now, if you are putting out educative content as to why or how brands or businesses or even individual creators can benefit from using Indian content, where all Indian content can be used, where all Indian kind of soft footages might be required from brands, if you keep making short 30 seconds, 40 seconds reels and keep putting it out, you will definitely see a steady growth. 

And then of course you need to share it, you need to have people coming in, watching you, you need to have friends and family members sharing and all those things will be there. But these are basic few things which can give you a good start. 


And my team keeps telling me that, you know, put my face out there more often. I’m like, no, as a co-founder, I don’t. 


No, no, I think your team is actually right. And if you are not comfortable doing it, you should have somebody from your team doing it on behalf of individual for sure. 


You’re right with like being up out there, especially on a format like Reels. It is much more intimate. You’re talking to a person rather than to a brand. It makes sense. 


Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you’re someone talking, when you see a face, you relate to that person. You start having a kind of a, obviously the engagement, the amount of time that you view that wheel becomes more. And on top of it, you have the good editing. If you are putting it up, if you’re editing it well, like we do it very professionally. We add the text, the graphics, the tagline, everything. We try to make the wheel as engaging as possible. If you are getting a proper editing out of it, of the wheels, and you’re putting it out, the chances of… 

people viewing it for a longer duration, for example, if there is 50 seconds, okay. If you are making it in a very engaging manner and people are watching it more than 30 seconds and more people are watching it more than 30 seconds, it sends a signal to the algorithm, okay, so this might be a good view, people are watching it, there is a good amount of viewing time. The algorithm itself, no matter which platform it is, it’s just to follow every platform, okay, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, everything, every, everyone has this basic kind of a core mechanism. 

more people are watching a particular reel for more amount of time. That means the algorithm thinks it’s a good, whether you like that content or whether you do not like them content doesn’t matter for the algorithm. Every content itself. Okay. So if more people are watching it, it will be pushed out more. But if you are creating a very super valuable content, but if you are putting it with a low quality or not very good editing, it looks boring. Maybe people will just swipe up after say five to five, 10 seconds. So the message goes to the. 

algorithm is that okay, so this field might not be very engaging. So let’s not push it further. So that’s what happened. 


Yeah because we’ve had a ton of reels that have seen a lot of engagement have gotten very popular But it’s the algorithm thing is just really funny like they’re all and I’ve spoken to so many social media agencies also and everyone’s like oh you know keep doing stuff and the algorithm will eventually notice you  


No, no, I don’t want to. 


And even like I am saying this, I have this knowledge and I’m saying this, but if you look at my own page, I haven’t worked a lot on my own page because most of my time I have to work on my client’s page and you know how I can do that. So even I have been not being able to put a lot of time on my own channel or my own page. I am hoping to do so in the near future. And it’s not that the algorithm will notice one day it doesn’t work like that. People have been trying to put out content since ages now. It doesn’t work out like that. 


We are the same with us. 


Like as a platform now we’ve done shoots with so many brands and so many creators on the other side and Our own feed like is always, you know second priority third priority to client work, obviously 


Well, I am here to help you. You can always reach out to me. 


Yes, yes. No, so that is an interesting one. And how should a brand that has largely been doing photos and graphic designs and working with Canva, you know, internal team. So startups especially. So a big brand will probably have an agency that they work with, right? Especially and also giving them advice. A startup is probably not going to have those budgets, not looking at it that way. 








Correct, correct, correct. 


They’re probably very photo focused, you know, one marketing person doing a lot of stuff on Canva.  


Basically, how should a brand that’s currently on currently on Canva How should they look at moving towards more video 


Yeah, I think the bigger brand as you rightly said, they have the big budget all to hire agencies. Okay, but the smaller brands, the smaller companies were just starting out might not have that budget and very rightly so. And we understand that when we talk to the business we realize that one thing that they can do is they can try hiring freelancers because when you reach out to the big agencies, you know, they have a bigger operating costs and all those things keep adding up. 

or people who are good with content or they are very creative in nature, but they might not be working with too many big brands or they might not be working with agencies or they might not be doing a full-time job. And even when, as I said, I was working in a corporate bank, which was completely different from what I do now. But even after working in office, I mean, after offers, I used to do freelancing with editing or going on shoots, which is how I eventually started my production company now. 

If a smaller company does not have that budget to hire agencies, it doesn’t mean that it cannot create content and always reach out to these freelancers who are actually there waiting for work, they are looking for more work, they want to do good in terms of working with businesses and all. So they are there and it can be a good match between a freelancer who is starting out or who has good quality and a business which is starting out and not have the budget to hire a big agency. 

Vineet (25:37.578) 

No exactly that’s even our understanding why we got into the custom shoot business alongside the stock side of things was because we saw that big agencies have their own very large budgets they look at everything as a massive TV production Right, which is great like if you know a big startup wants to advertise on IPL they will actually put in that money and time But it’s They do, yeah, yeah and that’s worth it But 


So that can be a good match and eventually both of them can grow together. That is what I have done in my initial days. And that is how I suggest even younger guys who ask me for any kind of suggestions. I tell them the same. 


Even for big brands, if they’re just populating their social media feeds, they want content to be updated on a regular basis. And someone just launching a new product, right? They just want a couple of shoots done and make like, let’s say five reels from that. The big agencies, as you’re saying, they have too many overheads, time constraints. It just, it just becomes too much effort. So, which is why we got into this space that freelancers are hungry, looking for work, we can help them figure it out. 




Correct, correct, I’m the doodle. 






Yeah, it’s a win-win situation for everybody. 

And that is why bigger agencies are also kind of, I see when I talk to some agencies, some are good, some are really, they make that the other guys are also going and they’re genuinely coming forward with work and they want to support you. But there are other agencies also who are quite, like they are very happy with this growth of freelance market because obviously they are losing out on potential business. So it’s a competitive market. It’s not. 


And to be honest, there is enough space for everyone in the party. Everyone joined the party for so much workout. 

Yeah, there is so much my senses that the amount of video content we see in five years is going to be 5x, 10x what we see today. There is space for everyone to enjoy. 


Everybody is into this space now. Everybody wants to become a content creator. It’s a tough market. 


Yeah, yes, as of now there is a lot of space for everyone to join the market. 


Yeah, exactly. Like AI has its place. I don’t know. So far my experience has been that AI has been a bit disappointing on the video side. Like we’ve played around a lot. Yeah, yeah. And I think they have a lot of copyright cases coming that they have to figure out. We’re using AI ourselves on our creative side. On the concept development side. But AI can’t replace people yet. Absolutely not. 


Yeah, and who knows, like with AI coming in and the new technology and the new world of videos coming up and where this is going. 


It can help people. 


Yeah, on the video side especially, yeah. 


Oh, did it? 


I don’t think you’re in any trouble for the near future. I know, by the way, by the way, if AI takes over completely, I will come back and chop this part off, edit this video. I never said. 


As of now, definitely not. 

And that is what we want to be, right? Otherwise, you know, even we don’t want to replace the freelancers or videographers, then we will be in trouble as well. So, yeah, in the near future, no, definitely. 


Yes, maybe I should record two versions. AI will replace us all and AI will not do anything at all. And then, yes, delete the one that went wrong. So yeah, so can you share a couple of examples that you worked on, like good projects that you worked on that you can actually name? Tell us your experience. 




Not, not, not. 


Can you share a couple of examples that you have worked on over the last couple of years where you actually saw this journey of the client coming in, maybe you had to help the client ideate and figure the concept because video is not a client’s expertise, it’s your expertise so you also have to advise them on how best to develop a concept for video. 






Okay, so yeah, recently only I worked for a dietitian. Okay, so she is, she had a homemaker for a few years. And now she wanted to see, she had good knowledge in dietitian and she helps people in trying to reduce weight and other things and nutrition, nutrition and all that. So she, her husband actually called us, I went to the home to discuss this thing. And she said that 

I want to start a website and I want to start with content and how or why diet like following a diet is important and how I can help people with nutrition and diet. And they were not very accustomed to this world of social media content and all, you know, not everybody is tech savvy or a fancy social media savvy person. And they were not, really not. So I told them about everything from scratch and how we can do it, what is the process to start. 

portal content we can create and eventually within after the show has been 10 days now and their website is completely ready. The video that we created is already up on the website and we have to make three reels for them out of that which two are done and the one is in progress and soon they will be launching their Instagram channel and putting out these reels and we have entered into a monthly contract with them that in every month we are going to create these many reels for you and this price. 

of a return on shift kind of thing. And another example that I would want to give is for a bigger company. So I went to shoot in Rajkot for GreenKly. So see, every video’s purpose is not social media. Some video purposes are, I mean, purpose of video is often to be shown on TV or shown within the team for internal purposes. So this, so GreenKly has 

you know, is into plywood, laminate, veneers and these kind of things. So they were looking for some to do a shoot for their entire end to end manufacturing process. So that the new guys who were coming to join their company as a management training or a worker 


it’s easier to understand watching a video than reading a manual for obvious reason you can actually see what is happening you can see how the people are you know cutting their plants 

they are putting it into the machine and all those kind of stuff. So the entire shoot I did for three days in grass-court from end there I covered the end-to-end manufacturing process of plywood, veneers, laminates and other things which they are doing so that the that and we have given the videos and everything. So next time the there are workers coming into that factory or people who are joining Niva they can see that video not only they will know the entire process end-to-end they will also 


people are putting in the ply, in what angle, in which direction and all that thing. So that will be a very comprehensive visual manual for them instead of trying to read a piece of paper and understand visualizing themselves that, okay, this might look like this. They can actually see now what it is looking like. So this is again one thing and it is not meant for social media. It is meant for the internal purpose. But even these kinds of videos are required. 


And how deep do you have to go into a particular industry to be able to make this video? You would need to understand everything yourself, right? If you’re preparing this tutorial. 


I’ll see you later. 


So this is a 


Actually it helped because as I said I am an engineer myself. So you know, the technical things when I got the briefing I could relate to it. I could understand it faster than somebody, some other videographer who might not be from engineering background might be able to understand. That is one aspect to it. But not every kind of video is based on this kind of manufacturing process. It can be anything, any industry. So it helps, yeah, it helps when I go to factory shoots because I relate to things much faster. 


Yeah, we are going to find you a project to simplify and make a tutorial on brain surgery. Then let’s see. Simplify brain surgery and make a 2 minute video. 

Let’s get. 


because I have that kind of an understanding from my background. But there are other things. 


Yes, yes, yes. No, this is something that I’ve like over the years I’ve discussed with a lot of content people also. Like I’ve had people write articles and they themselves aren’t clear on what is in there. And like if you aren’t clear, you can’t go anywhere. You have to know. Otherwise, you can’t simplify it for others and especially as you’re saying a tutorial video. If you’re trying to explain something simplified for new people, you need to actually understand 


All in. 


Well, I have to know the process how they do it and then maybe we can work out something definitely. Why not? 


I would assume like many hours of work would actually go into this, the content generation rather than just the videography. 


So, so, so. 


And this is something that a lot of clients actually don’t understand. They feel that, we’re paying you for a good day, right? 


Yeah, the pre-production is more important than the videography. 


They don’t understand. Very true. Very true. Very true. This is actually a pain point for us. To try and convince the client that this is the reason why I am charging this much. It’s not just about the shoot. There is a lot of aspects which will go into the editing and there is a lot of aspects which will go into the planning for the shoot. It’s not just like I show up with the camera and shooting and all that. It doesn’t work out like that. Especially for corporate videos or for businesses. 

Okay, it can have planning, it might not have planning. There’s a birthday party, you go to a birthday party, you shoot what always happening, you come back, you make an after movie, you deliver it, fine. But for a corporate video, for a business video, there’s always a process which goes into it. That okay, we have to make this video this way, why? How will that attract the audience or how will it be relatable? So those kind of planning. And people, I don’t know whether I should be putting it this way, but people don’t really understand the importance of brain time. There’s no… 


No, exactly. That is an issue. That’s a, I would say a commonly accepted issue. Like I’ve spent a few years in interiors, office interiors in the industry. And it’s the same there that clients are willing to pay you for the actual physical hardware that goes into their place and even the label, but the design itself, which is actually core to how the space will look for like the next five, seven years. 


there is no respect given to the brain, it’s only what you do with your camera or how much time you are spending physically somebody who is using the brain to do something, people don’t understand because they can’t see it so they are like, ok why should you charge me so much? that is one pain point 


Oh, okay. 






And you have pointed out a very like very absolutely you have pinpointed the right field also because since I work with so many interior designers I keep hearing this thing from them that the 3D designers or the people who are actually creating the 3D design by thinking okay the tiles should be here, the washroom should be this side, this side and all the wasto thing and everything. They are like they are paid the least of the entire chunk of money. They are the ones who paid the least because again brain time. 




I think that’s a good spot then to end this conversation. Thank you Globester, thanks for joining us. This has been a great discussion for me at least. 


people don’t relate to. They’re like, okay, we just created one 3D. But that is the 3D on which the entire building and the entire construction will eventually depend on. But that’s how it is. 


I honestly thought podcasts were everywhere but everyone I’ve spoken to so far, it’s been their first experience. Why do we need more podcasts, not fewer? 

Maybe in six months you can start your own and then you’ll interview me. Never say never. Exactly. So thanks everyone for tuning in. And you are either watching us on YouTube or listening on Spotify. Stay tuned, subscribe and yeah, we’ll be back next week. Bye bye. 


Thank you sir for having me on your podcast. And this is my first experience in a kind of a interview or a podcasting, so it was really wonderful. 


Maybe, maybe, maybe. 


I don’t know, maybe. Never say never. 


Yes, bye bye. Thank you. 


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